
Friday, April 15, 2011

Susan's Strawberry Parfait

Now, do I have your attention?

There is no law that says that because you are trying to lose weight that you cannot have some deliciousness every now and then. In fact, I believe that for weight loss to happen and for it to be permanent, deliciousness is a required element. Besides, it's Friday!

You can have this, yes you can. Susan watches carbs and used only strawberries when she made the beautiful dessert in this gorgeous photo, but she graciously allowed me to add blueberries to her recipe because, in my opinion, one cannot have too many blueberries.

The nutrition facts for this lovely dessert can be found at Calorie Count.

Strawberry Blueberry Parfait


6 large strawberries, sliced
1 (6 oz) container of blueberries
1 (8 oz) block of fat free philly cream cheese
2 (6 oz) containers low carb vanilla yogurt
an additional splash of pure vanilla extract
sprig of mint


Blend together the cream cheese and the yogurt and the vanilla.
Layer berries and sauce in either individual or one large glass parfait bowl.
Top with mint sprig for color.


  1. This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!!!

  2. I'm so glad! I do high protein as a rule and want to incorporate it into everything. This was really good. I think next time I might incorporate a little lemon zest and see if I like that as a change ...


  3. Thinking I could add protein powder to the yogurt mixture. . And top it with granola the grandkids dont like mint.
