
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aline's Shrimp Scrambled Eggs

Aline had a few extra shrimp one day and decided to see how they worked in an egg scramble - this is a terrific idea for something different! Lots of other ways to take this recipe - it can be an omelet, use habanero olive oil or add some jalapeno, turmeric, or any of your favorite things to eat with an egg.

The nutrition facts for this delicious filling breakfast are found at Calorie Count!

Shrimp Scrambled Eggs 


8 eggs, beaten
¼ - Large onion
2 Tablespoons sun dried tomatoes
1/3 lb. shrimp, medium sized and sliced length-wise
½ - Bell pepper (red or green or both) If you don’t have any good without.
1 Tablespoon olive oil


Sauté onions, peppers, or other veggies in olive oil until the onion is clear clear. Add shrimp and sauté for just a few minutes until they start to turn opaque.  Add eggs and cook the way you like them.


Try adding some salsa at the table!

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