
Monday, May 23, 2011

Laura K's Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Two cups of of spaghetti squash has only 84 calories. Two cups of regular spaghetti has 442 calories. Eat a larger serving, get more nutrition, and enjoy it with your preferred sauce. Laura K's idea of layering marinara with roasted red peppers makes a tasty and lovely presentation.

The nutrition facts for this beautiful healthy recipe can be found at Calorie Count!

Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Serves 2

Squash Ingredients:

1 spaghetti squash
2 C water

Topping Ingredients:

2 cups marinara sauce (your favorite from a jar)
1 cup roasted red peppers, cut into strips
1 t olive oil
ground black pepper to taste (more is great!)
ground crushed red pepper to taste
2 T Feta crumbles

Place the spaghetti squash whole into a slow cooker with 2 cups of water. Heat on low for 8-9 hours. Before the squash is removed, heat the sauce. Slice the red peppers and mix with the olive oil, the black pepper, and maybe a shake of red pepper if you like your dinner to bite back a bit. Do not open the squash until all of this is ready.

Prepare the squash immediately before serving by cutting in half lengthwise as this ensure long strands. Remove as many seeds as you can from the center. Then run a fork through the squash to remove the strands. Mound the squash on a plate and top with the olive oil and peppers.

Ladle on the sauce. Add feta crumbles and serve immediately as the squash will cool quickly.


If you don't want to use the marinara, toss the squash with a couple tablespoons of olive oil and pepper, lay the roasted red peppers on top, add feta and serve. 

Alternative Squash Cooking Methods:

Quick Microwave Whole Squash Method - poke 10-12 holes in the squash with a knife about 1" deep (be careful to not stab yourself, the squash is hard - us a very sharp knife only). Microwave on high for 10 mins, flip sides (careful - super hot) and microwave side 2 for 10 minutes (until soft and easily pierced with a fork), cut lengthwise and proceed as directed above.

Relaxed Microwave/Oven Whole Squash Method - Poke the squash several times with a knife or sharp fork. Then nuke it for 10-15 minutes. Then forget about it for a bit. Just let it sit for an hour or more. (I find a good way to do this is to start the microwave when I am on my way out - by the time I get back from shopping or whatever it is done cooking and sitting). This can make it pretty easy to cut in half. The secret to easy slicing in half is the letting it sit part though so don't skip that step. After slicing it in half then drizzle the olive oil on it and let it bake at 350 degrees, cut side down for 40 minutes or so. Scoop out the squash while it is still HOT.

Oven Only Whole Squash Method - Pierce the whole squash several times with a sharp knife. Bake an hour at at 375 degrees. Slice in half lengthwise, scoop seeds and pulp, and proceed as directed above.

Oven Only Half Squash Method - Use a large very sharp knife and cut the squash in half lengthwise. If this is not something you can do because of arthritic fingers or lack of strength, just do one of the whole squash methods. After Cutting the squash in half, scoop out the seeds and pulpy stuff. Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes or until the squash is softened and easily pierced with a fork.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I am marveling over this! I have loved spaghetti squash for years and years, and avoid it because I found it so is so hard to cook.. but you and Laura have given us GREAT multiple methods here.. WOW.. I cannot wait to try each.. especially the slow cooker idea.. that is genius..the ease of the marinara is a real draw for me, too.. great one!
