
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Janice's Basic Vinaigrette

I don't use much bottled dressing because this is so easy - once I read the ingredient labels I found it very hard to use the bottled stuff on my salads. Warning: Only read those labels if you plan to start making your own dressing. Once nice thing is, I don't have to worry about storage as it makes just enough for the two of us. So I never have to play the "just how old IS this bottle" game. So easy to increase portions if you do want to make a few days worth or have a large family. Also easy to adjust in a million ways, so read the Notes section below!

The nutrition facts are at Calorie Count!

Basic Vinaigrette

Serves: 2


1 garlic clove, minced - or equivalent dried garlic
1 t lemon juice, fresh squeezed
1 t balsamic vinegar
1 T olive oil
salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste


Place all ingredients in a small bowl such as a custard cup, mix well with a fork and put on the salads right before dinner.


My favorite California olive oil comes from Sciabica! You can get a lot of good info on olive oil at their website to help you select the perfect oil for your salad.

For variety, use only lemon juice, only vinegar, swap the proportions of vinegar and oil, add a bit of Dijon mustard (my fave), or a bit of dried ground mustard. Also good is a bit of onion powder or shallot minced fine. Use this as a starter and then adjust it totally to your taste for each day.

Make sure you use freshly squeezed lemon juice and that your vinegar, if balsamic, is from Modena. You can easily change the vinegar to any type you prefer - wine, garlic infused, etc.

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