
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Janice's Avocado Three Way Soup, V. 1 with Roasted Tomatillo & Hatch Chile

There are tons of recipes in the interwebz with minor variations on the basic idea of chilled avocado soup. Some sounded good, some did not. Taking ideas from several, I put together what would likely stand as a basic "starter" recipe (see below), set the goal of creating better versions of the soup, and asked some chef friends to join me. My concoction is below. Hollie and Sharpshootinstar have also agreed to create a new chilled avocado soup, so watch for their recipes!

I would like to invite all of you to come up with your own soup - the starter recipe can be found at the end of this post and on the Chefery Challenge Page (located on the left hand side of the blog). The new recipes will be listed there as well as in the category of Chefery Challenge (located on the right hand side of the blog). Join in the fun and Chef it up with us!

Avocado Roasted Tomatillo & Hatch Chile Soup

The nutrition facts can be found as always at the best place on the interwebz to count your calories, Calorie Count!


2 medium or one large ripe avocados
2 tomatillos, roasted
2 fresh roasted Hatch Chiles, either mild or spicy as you prefer (you could in a pinch sub in canned chiles but they are not as tasty)
1/4 cup onion
1/4 cup cilantro
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1 1/2 cup vegetable stock
1 lemon, juiced
pepper and salt to taste
finely chopped tomato and/or jalapeno for garnish

tomatillos are sold in husks

Remove the husks and chop the tomatillos and place in a pan sprayed with pam or olive oil, spray olive oil over the top and roast in toaster oven at 375 til charred a bit (approximately 10 minutes), set aside to cool. Peel and de-seed the avocado, cut into chunks. Finely chop the onion and cilantro. Place all in a large bowl with the evaporated milk and use an immersion blender to blend til smooth. Add juiced lemon and enough stock to get the consistency you prefer. Add pepper and taste. Adjust flavors with salt and pepper as needed.

Chill well. Garnish with the jalapeno and tomato.


For a bit of a kick, add a few shakes of Tabasco sauce.

Depending on where you live, you may be lucky enough to just head on down to the store and pick up a bag of freshly roasted Hatch chiles. They are the most awesome thing in the world, so get several bags but freeze them individually between wax paper as they do go bad in a few days.

This soup is awesome as a dip for chips! Just eliminate the stock.

The following is the list of ingredients the Avocado Soup Challenge Chefs began with - why not join in the fun and come up with your own! Make one that rocks your socks and submit it for consideration as a formal entry in the Many Incarnations of Avocado Soup! See the Chefery Challenge Page for directions.

2 ripe avocados
1 cucumber
3/4 cup low fat soy milk
2 T cilantro
2 green onions
2 cups veggie broth
salt & pepper to taste
1 T lemon juice


  1. Can this be served hot?

  2. I did not try it hot, but I don't see why not. Avocados can be baked, fried, and grilled, so heat does not necessarily hurt them - it's exposure to air that turns them brown. I've only used avocado in soup as a topping, but that certainly does not mean it can't be done, just that I haven't seen it! You probably don't want to heat it too long, bring to a simmer for a few minutes. If you try it let me know!
