
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Crazypotato98's Leftover Turkey and Ravioli Soup

Try this simple, quick, and awesome (per Crazypotato98's husband) soup the day after Thanksgiving!

The nutrition facts are at Calorie Count.

Leftover Turkey and Ravioli Soup


6 cups chicken or turkey broth/stock - homemade or from a box
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 1/2 t Italian seasoning
8 oz turkey, cooked, chopped
9 oz cheese ravioli
2 cups spinach, shredded


Place broth, pepper, onion, and Italian seasoning in a large soup pot. Heat to boiling, reduce to simmer. Simmer covered for about five minutes. Add the turkey and ravioli, return to a boil, reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for about six minutes or until ravioli is tender. Stir in the spinach and simmer one more minute. Delicious with fresh grated Parmesan cheese!


  1. I just made this for dinner tonight. The only change I made was switching to tortellini because I wanted a smaller pasta and couldn't find the mini ravioli - and adding a dash of hot red pepper flakes cuz we are used to things with a bit of a kick.

    The result was simply awesome. Both my husband and son raved about it and are already demanding that it be made again - "can you buy turkey parts and cook them and then add it to the soup?". Yup, and I sure will.


  2. I saved some of my leftover turkey and might be making it again, too!

  3. making this again only with chicken thighs!
