
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Janice's Roasted Garlic

One problem that people have when eating to lose weight is that they find the food decidedly unappealing. It helps to ramp up the delicious factor by considering using seasonings in a different way. I add a few shakes of Tabasco to a lot of things that would surprise people because I find that far superior to adding salt - yes it has a little salt, but not as much as you get when you add salt.

Try adding whole cloves of roasted garlic to ramp up the flavor to many sauces in many savory dishes. They make a perfect addition to any pasta sauce. I also make a dish that I call garlic chicken that uses at least 40 cloves to a tomato stock sauce that holds the simmering chicken. It's simple to do and requires no fat.

Roasted Garlic


2 heads of garlic - cloves separated but left unpeeled
1 pan (don't spray it with anything)
400F preheated oven


Put the cloves on a pan (don't crowd) and roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The papery edges of the cloves will be browned and the cloves themselves softened. You can roast them in the toaster oven.

Cool completely, peel, and add to your favorite sauce...or pizza!

Now, wasn't that easy! And your house now smells awesome!

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