
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Meganr's Breakfast Thingies

These delicious grab and go breakfast treats are made with peanut flour.  Peanut flour is actually just defatted peanuts that are ground into something resembling flour.  It is very high protein and there are a few different types.  I get the 12% light version, which has 12 gram of protein for 100 calories and does not have much of a peanutty taste, which supposedly the dark version does.  The web site would have you think that this stuff can be mixed with water and then eaten like peanut butter - don't believe it, it's disgusting that way.  But it's super good in these baked numbers.

The nutrition facts can be found at Calorie Count. 

Breakfast Thingies 
Makes 4 servings


1/2 cup Waffle Mix (Bob's Red Mill 10-Grain Pancake and Waffle Mix)
1 cup 12% light peanut flour
1 large sliced peach (this time of year, it's thawed frozen peaches, a half bag)
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
3/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
4 eggs
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa


Preheat oven to 375 F

Put peaches in a food processer until well mashed up and liquefy.

Add everything else into the food processor and mix well.

Pour into individual baking dishes and put into oven. The baking dishes that Meangr uses are bigger than muffin tins. They hold about 2 cups of product, but should only be 2/3 filled before baking.

Bake for 24 -27 minutes until center is done, not jiggly or soft.

Since I warm these into the microwave before I eat them in the morning, I'm probably underbaking a bit, and the microwave finishes them up.  You'll want to adjust for your desired moistness. So test with a toothpick or use any of your favorite techniques to tell when your baked bready product is done.

More notes on peanut flour:

I also will put 1/4 cup or so into chilis and stews sometimes;  I did that last night with my sweet potato chili and it was ever so good.

More notes on the use of peaches:

Also, I use peaches for the "sweetener".  I've tried a bunch of different things, but these seems to mush up really well.  Berries taste good, but the seeds I found a little annoying.  Probably applesauce would work too, but I haven't tried it.

1 comment:

  1. These sound scrumptious! I bet a dollop of yogurt on top would make a sinful tasting dessert.
