
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Veloute Sauce

Veloute is a lower calorie version of Bechamel sauce (that thick white sauce made with milk). You make it in the exact same way as a Bechamel except that you substitute the stock of your choice for the milk. You can still add a little bit milk if you want it to be a "cream of" sauce. The nutrition facts are at Calorie Count!

Veloute Sauce


2 T butter, unsalted
3 T flour
2 cups hot stock (beef, chicken, veggie, fish - or use meat juices to create a fantastic gravy)
salt to taste
black or white ground pepper to taste
Optional: substitute some of the hot stock with hot skim milk. How much depends on how light in color you want the sauce to be.


Melt the butter in a medium sized sauce pan over medium heat. Stir in the flour until it is thoroughly incorporated into the butter - about two minutes will help remove the "floury" taste and that's where many people mess up when making thickened  sauces or gravy.

Remove from heat.

Heat the stock in your preferred way - in a small pan or in the microwave. Either way is fine but get it hot. It should be heating while you are prepping the butter and flour.

Dump the hot stock into the butter/flour mixture and vigorously stir or whisk to make sure the sauce is not lumpy.

Return it to the medium heat and bring it to a boil - stir or whisk the entire time it is coming to a boil.

Then lower the temp and simmer for another two minutes. Season with the salt, pepper.

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