
Friday, April 20, 2012

Sharpshootinstar's Green Monster Smoothie with variations on a monster theme

Nobody does smoothies better than Sharpshootinstar! The Green Monster is her basic smoothie from which she spins a wonderful array of goodness. I ran the nutrition facts for the basic monster using no sugar added almond milk at Calorie Count!

Green Monster Smoothie


3 oz spinach (fresh or frozen)
1 scoop protein powder (optional, but nutritionally terrific!)
1 cup your favorite milk: milk, soy, almond milk, etc
1 small banana
a few ice cubes


Put the spinach in the blender along with a scoop of your favorite protein powder (you can omit this if you want, I just find it an easy way to get a serving of protein, veggies & fruit all in one.) 

Now add one cup of your favorite milk beverage, 1 small banana, and a few ice cubes.  

Blend on high...this part may take  a bit of patience.  Watch the smoothie mixture, and once all the spinach appears to be blended and the drink is a nice green color, it should be ready.  If you find big shreds of spinach in it, you didn't blend long enough.

Variations on a Monster Theme:

Banana Cream Green Monster
3oz fresh spinach, 1 small frozen banana broken into chunks, 1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup ice.

Pink Monster
3oz spinach, 1 cup red raspberries, 1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup water

Jungle Monster
3oz spinach, 1 cup chopped mango, 1 cup ice, 1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk

Endless possibilities!

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