
Sunday, June 10, 2012

4jskmmom's Bean Salad

I've listed some recommended amounts below in order to get the nutrition facts set for this delicious bean salad.  If you choose low or fat free dressing, the calories will be even lower. Feel free to change the proportions as you wish for anything in this very flexible recipe!

Bean Salad


15 oz can black beans, rinse and drain
15 oz can black eyed peas, rinse and drain
12 oz white or yellow corn, drain
3 petite diced tomatoes
1/4 cup cilantro - chopped (if you don't like cilantro, can leave it out)
1 jalepeno, diced
1/4 cup Italian dressing


combine and mix thoroughly - store in fridge.

*I make very large batches as it keeps a long time - but can adjust the ratio to however you like it. YUMM!

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