
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crazypotato98’s Mexican White Rice

Try the delicious flavor of Sazon Goya in this delicious dish from our Contributor in Mexico.

The nutrition facts were made at Calorie Count!

Mexican White Rice

(Makes 6 servings)

1 cup white rice
1 3/4 cups water
1/4 cup chicken broth
6 grams {one packet Sazon Goya – look for it in the international aisle of your store}
2 tbsp oil


Saute rice in oil. When rice is toasted/lightly browned, add water and chicken broth and stir in the packet of Sazon goya.

Reduce heat/flame to low and put a lid on the pan.

Simmer on low for twenty minutes.

*Tips: DO NOT LIFT THE LID OR STIR THE RICE UNTIL YOUR TWENTY MINUTES ARE UP!!! You will cause it to become sticky if you "peek."

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