
Sunday, July 8, 2012

jk87hgtfhg387’s Zucchini with Feta

This dish is a favorite of ours.  My son is a vegan, so I've included how to make the dish vegan in the notes below.  As a side dish, this serves 4-6.  As a main dish, it serves 2-3. The nutrition facts were designed at Calorie Count and set for a side dish of four. The dish is just as delicious prepared with less oil.

Zucchini with Feta


4-5 Medium zucchini squash, sliced into ¼” thick circles
1 Ripe tomato sliced and quartered
1 Clove garlic, chopped
½ cup Extra virgin olive oil
8 oz Crumbled Feta Cheese
2 oz Shredded Parmesan Cheese (optional)
Salt & fresh ground pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350º.  In a deep casserole dish, combine olive oil, chopped garlic, salt and pepper (remember to go easy on the salt since feta cheese is salty too).  Stir together then put in the squash and tomatoes.  Stir until all the vegetables are coated with the oil mixture.  Press down the vegetables until you have a flat well mixed casserole dish with tomatoes and squash evenly distributed.

Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes until the vegetables are soft then remove from oven.  Sprinkle the feta cheese evenly over the top of the dish and then do the same with the parmesan cheese.  Return to oven and bake until the cheese is golden brown (approx 10 minutes).


Serve with:

Shrimp Scorpio and some toasted Italian or French bread.


Larger, tougher zucchini can be used here since it’s baked.  Just peal and remove the large seeds from the middle.  Then cut the zucchini lengthwise into quarters and slice crossways into ¼” thick slices.  When baked, they will be juicy and tender.

Optional Ingredients:

Add red onions, mushrooms or green or red sweet peppers

Lighter Version:
nutrition facts

Use less oil and cheese and more veggies and garlic.

Vegan version:

Leave out the cheeses.  Add another clove of garlic and one cup cubed medium firm tofu to the vegetables when tossing in the oil mixture.   Don’t put the tofu on top like the cheese because it will burn and it needs to be in the mix of vegetables, oil and garlic to absorb the flavors of each.


  1. 43 grams of fat per serving?!?!?! At Calorie Count? Is there a typo in the recipe? Maybe the 1/2 cup of olive oil was supposed to be 1/8 or something.

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    2. Near the end of the recipe there's a note saying you can use less oil and cheese - and add more veggies - to make a lighter version. Thanks for pointing out that I should put up a link to nutrition facts for one light version next to the note in the recipe. There is one there now.

      Counting calories is a very individual thing, some are losing weight, others gaining, and some are maintaining or just enjoy a higher fat meal every now and then.

      One of the great things about cooking your own food is that you can make changes to suit the way you eat. Enjoy making this dish yours!

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