
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer Squash Chips

Have a dehydrator? Looking for a healthier snack for you and the kids? The nutrition facts for summer squash were found at Calorie Count. There's nothing added here except a pinch of salt. Eat them out of hand or dip them. Just eat lots of them, they're good for you!

Summer Squash Chips


as many summer squash (zucchini or yellow) as you want to use
Salt to taste
Optional: onion or garlic powder


Slice summer squash into 3/8 inch thick slices.

Sprinkle with salt.

Arrange the slices on a dehydrator. They'll shrink, so crowd away!

Dry at 140 degrees F for 5-10 hours or until they are nicely dried.

These can be left at room temperature if you eat them within a week. Otherwise, store them in the fridge!


  1. I do not have a dehydrator can you do these in the regular oven???

    1. If you have a decent oven, you can very easily rig it into a dehydrator by just using the 'keep warm' function. Simply turn on the oven until it's just barely on (mine has a light to say when it is heating up; I turn till I see that light and then I walk away).
      If you know your oven doesn't hold heat very well (not very well insulated) or has a high 'initial temp,' I wouldn't recommend it, especially in July.
      If you want a true dehydrate, and you have the patience for this, you can turn it on and off every few minutes to let the temperature hover slightly below your 'keep warm' temperature, though if that temp is below 200 F, you're probably fine.

  2. I don't have any experience with this. A google got me to a couple different places that say Yes! Here's one:

    Here's a film showing how:


  3. Using a veggie as a snack is terrific! I'd like to be able to have them during the winter too. Can they be frozen for long term storage or do they lose texture?

  4. Your dehydrated squash will all get eaten well before winter. You might try just freezing the raw squash in slices (freezer bags with air removed), thawing in winter when you dream of squash, and then dehydrating them. I do not know if this will work, but I see no reason why it will not. Squash freezes most magnificently.

  5. Can you make them in an oven if you don't have a dehydrator?

  6. the links on how to do that are a couple of comments above!

  7. I know this is about squash, but i dehydrate cherry tomatoes. If you have a garden and an abundance of cherry tomatoes (It would get quite expensive buying this many) i cut the tomatoes in half, cut side up on a cookie sheet. Dehydrate on 250 degrees for 1.5 to 2 hours. You don't want them totally dried and still have a little mush left. as the tomotoes get smaller, they get sweeter. then i cool the cookie sheet and pop into the freezer to freeze individually. scrape the pan with a spatulate and put them in a ziplock and freeze until you need them. i like them frozen, semi-thawed. you can put them on salads, in casseroles etc.

  8. what a marvelous idea! I cherry tomatoes would be perfect. I appreciate your tips!
