
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Quick and Easy Home Roasted Peppers

I used the tool at Calorie Count to set the nutrition facts for one pepper and a scant amount of oil as most will be removed with the skin.

Quick and Easy Home Roasted Peppers


As many peppers as you would like to roast
Olive oil

Preheat oven to 450
quartered and oiled


Rinse and quarter the peppers. Slice the top, remove the core, de-seed, and remove the ribs.

Either brush with olive oil or put oil in a bowl and dip the pepper quarters to coat.

Roast in a pan with a side (to catch some of the spitting oil) for about 15-20 minutes or until the skins blacken and blister.

Remove the peppers from the oven. Use tongs and place the peppers in a brown paper bag, roll to seal the steamy goodness within, and allow the peppers to cool for 10 minutes.

resting in a bag
Now that they are cool enough to handle and the sealed container has assisted in a final steam making the peppers easy to peel - peel off the skins and excess black bits with your fingers!

Slice them now and use in your favorite recipe or place in a clean preserve jar packed well with oil and store in the fridge where they will keep for about two weeks.


  1. Thanks! I haven't had great luck roasting peppers on their own; I'll try this!

  2. Love the roasted peppers; this works so well!
