
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Crazypotato98’s Beer Battered Not Quite Fried Tilapia

Crazypotato98’s Beer Battered Not Quite Fried Tilapia

Nothing could be easier! The nutrition facts were designed by Crazypotato98 herself at Calorie Count!


1/4 cup flour
1/8 cup wheat germ
1  egg
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 cups Bud light beer
600 g tilapia


Combine batter ingredients. Coat fish.

Spray a pan with cooking spray. Spray cooking spray on the half of the fish you will brown first. Add to the pan and fry on medium-high - do not add the fish until the pan is very hot. Brown on that side - just a few minutes.
Spray the cooking spray on top of the unfried half, flip and continue cooking until done - another couple minutes will do you - total cooking time, about five minutes or until the fish is opaque. Serve hot.

Use plenty of cooking spray or the batter will not stick. If you don’t have the patience for cooking spray and can afford a few more calories, just use a tablespoon of a good oil that is suitable for high heat.

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