
Monday, July 30, 2012

Brandy on How to Freeze Fresh Sweet Corn

Brandy is a cousin of mine and fortunate enough to live smack dab in the middle of the best corn growing land there is. The family farms, which means that when it's corn season, there is a LOT of corn! You can't eat it all... though you might try. So, what Brandy and all my other cousins do is freeze it. Here's how.

Freezing Fresh Sweet Corn

First make yourself one of these:

It's a Redneck Concoction for standing corn on end.

You'll need a 2x4 long enough to sit atop a big pan, and a nice long nail.

Sterilize the nail in boiling water. Then whack it with a hammer until it goes all the way through the 2x4 in the middle on the flat side. That's it.

Next you need to do this:

Head on out to the farm and pick as much corn as you can. Get the whole family involved, three generations of Leggetts will do. Take it home and shuck and shuck and shuck. Put the corn in a bucket.

Have your brother, C.O., get the big kettle going. Yet another sister is necessary for handing off the corn for blanching in the hot water (about two minutes in the water is all it needs).

Your brother, and sister Sherry, will plunge the hot blanched cobs into another container filled with icy water. This stops the cookery.

When the corn has cooled, tote the buckets back to the house where Brandy and her Mom Bev await. The toting is best done by the younger members of the family, Abby and Zoie, who must have their hands clean by now from all that shucking.

Brandy and Bev will take the corn and pin it to the nail on the board and centered over a tray big enough to catch all the kernels.

Then comes the fun part. You can use a sharp knife or use the fantastic corn scraper from Pampered Chef. Brandy says it makes short work of the corn.

Here's Bev showing the proper technique for scraping the corn. Her hands are a blur!

Scrape off the kernels right into the pan. Repeat until you have the container filled or run out of corn. Put the corn in small containers or zip lock bags, seal well and place in the freezer. If you use bags, squish out as much air as you can before popping into the freezer.

Enjoy your corn! Man, I wish I didn't live so far away, the corn in Houston is ok, but not as sweet and good as what we grow on the farm in Illinois.

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