
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Janice's Microwaved Corn on the Cob

Sometimes it is just too hot to boil water much less get outside and light the grill. But, it's sweet corn season! So, take advantage of the microwave and in just a few minutes you will have delicious summer corn.

The nutrition facts for a single ear of corn was designed at Calorie Count!

Microwaved Corn on the Cob


1 ear of corn
1 sheet of wax paper
or a lidded microwaveable casserole dish large enough to hold ears of corn (you can cut the corn in half to make it fit!)


Remove the husk and clean off the strands from the ear of corn.

If you have time, soak the ear in a water dosed with salt for a short while. The cob will soak up the water and provide an assist in the steaming department. The bit of background salty taste blends so well with the corn that you may not need butter.

Wrap the ear in the wax paper or place in the casserole and cover.

Microwave on high. Now, times for this will vary depending on the age and speed of your microwave. Most new ones can handle an ear of corn in about two - three minutes. My microwave is old, well to be precise, it is 27 years old and not as fast as the new ones. I microwave an ear of corn in about five minutes. Increase the time if you nuke more than one ear at a time. In a new fangled microwave, add about a minute or so per extra ear. In an old antique, add a couple minutes extra per ear.



  1. I found that to microwave corn you just put the whole ear in husk and all. Micro same length of time 4 or 5 min. an ear. It will be hot so have something to hold the corn when you take it out and shuck it. Every thing on the outside just falls off, silk and all. Best corn you will ever have because you don't soak so no flavor is lost. My sister who did not have a micro after tasting my corn went out and bought one just so she could do corn on the cob.

    1. I do it this way every time I eat corn on the cob. Cut the big end off and push it out from the top. All the silk will come off with the husk. It's so easy!!!

  2. PS on Corn. No Paper, No soaking, I don't even peek at the Ear. I just put the whole thing in the Micro and zap it. Saves a lot of time and trouble.

  3. Thanks for letting us know your method! I will have to try it. The only way I've cooked it in the husk is on the grill. Fresh from the farm corn is awesome no matter how it is cooked.

  4. Yep...I've been doing this for years too! In the grocery store I remove all but the last layer of the husk since it's so hot coming out of the microwave. When I see folks taking FOREVER boiling those huge pots of corn I always chuckle and offer them that tip.

  5. Yup 4 mins per ear, cut off stalk end and squeeze corn out of the husk. No mess, no fuss! Delish!
