
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Michael’s Brush Basa Nova

Brush Basa Nova is a Vietnamese fish that is available in many fishmongers and grocers. Catfish fillets are a perfect sub-in for Brush Basa Nova.

The following is a technique that may be applied to any quantity of fish. Mustard and seasoning should be used in amounts to suit your palate.

Technique template: Brush, sprinkle, and pan sear. Delicious with avocado wedges. Michael promises a picture the next time he makes it!

Michael’s Brush Basa Nova 


Brush Basa Nova fillet
Honey Mustard
Cajun Seasoning Mix
Optional: garlic powder


Brush basa nova with honey mustard, then sprinkle a moderate (to taste) amount of Cajun seasoning on it.  Pan sear, then serve with rip avocado slices placed on top off the cooked fillets, with maybe a little garlic powder.

Cook time 5-6 minutes total.

Look at the fish, touch it with a fork; when it flakes and is no longer a pinkish clear color, it's done! Take care to not overcook fish.

It helps to cut the fillet in half at the thickest part. Check both thin and thick parts for doneness.

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