
Monday, November 3, 2014

Koppenhoefer Family German Potato Salad Recipe

Select either white or red potatoes for this delicious warm salad. Remove the skin of white potatoes after they cool a bit. If you choose red potatoes, leave the skin on. The picture here shows the salad made with white potatoes. If you buy russet potatoes, it will be tasty though a little less formed. Purchase small russets or you will have way too much salad!

Nutrition facts for 8 servings.


6 slices bacon, crisply cooked and crumbled, reserve the drippings
8 medium potatoes
1 C onion, chopped
2 t salt
1/8 t ground black pepper
1/2 t celery seed
1/2 C vinegar
2 T sugar
3 T water
1 egg, beaten
2 T parsley, chopped

Optional: more bacon and parsley for garnish


Boil the skin-on potatoes in salted water until tender. Allow to cool a few minutes, then peel and slice or cut into chunks. Place the potatoes in a large bowl.

Add the onion, salt, pepper, and celery seed to the potatoes.

In the same pan that cooked the bacon (and still holds the bacon drippings), heat the vinegar, sugar, and water. Bring it to a simmer.

Very slowly add the beaten egg to the vinegar mixture, stir constantly. To prevent curdling, stir a little of the hot vinegar mixture into the egg one teaspoon at a time before adding to the rest of the hot mix.

Pour hot eggy vinegar over the warm potatoes. Top with crumbled bacon and parsley.

Toss lightly to mix.

If you are a bacon lover, cook up extra bacon and use it as a garnish with more parsley.


  1. Just like grandma made. Dressing is also good poured over lettuce for wilted lettuce salad.

  2. yes, it is great on salads. thanks for giving the recipe a read!
