Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kathygator's Biscuits

One of the nice things about these incredible biscuits (aside from their deliciousness) is that you know exactly how many calories are in each one. The nutrition facts are waiting for you at Calorie Count.


Pre heat oven to 425 F


2 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup of shortening
1 cup buttermilk (or soured milk)
2-3 tbs of melted butter


Sift together the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl add the shortening and use your fingertips to lightly mix it into the flour by pinching until it’s well-incorporated (the same way you’d mix pie dough) and the flour has a meal-like consistency.

Make a well in the center and pour in the milk.  Stir just until mixed.

The dough will be kind of wet and sticky – scrape it out onto a floured surface, and sprinkle the top with flour, so it’s fairly well coated. Do not knead. Pat it out to about an inch and half thick circle – 2 inch thick would probably make them extra tall.

I make a biscuit cutter by taking a pair of scissors and cutting a coke can in half. Be careful to trim the edge nice and even. I did this because I wanted the sharpest, thinnest tool possible for the cut (it helps them to raise evenly).

Grease a square or round pan. The size of the coke can and the thickness of the dough usually yeild about 7 or 8 biscuits. Reform the dough to make the last cut, but do it gently – the trick is to keep these suckers as moist as possible and not overwork the flour. The last one is usually the ‘ugly’ cause it’s made up of remnants.

If you want crusty sides use a pan big enough so that they don’t touch, if you want softer fluffier (the way God intended-LOL), set them as above, allowed to touch. Then I poke each one on the top with my thumb to make a little depression. Helps them to stay flat on top.

Bake for about 8 minutes, then brush with melted butter and bake for about 6-8 more minutes more until the desired brown-ness. When you pull them out of the oven, brush them with butter again and leave them in the pan to cool.

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